B.B. King: The Life Of Riley — Cardinal Releasing

B.B. King: The Life Of Riley

BB King The Life of Riley

BB King : ‘The Life of Riley’ released in 2012. Narrated by Morgan Freeman, and joined by Bono, Bill Cosby, Eric Clapton, Dr. John, Bruce Willis, and 20+ other heavyweight contributors including appearances by Keith Richards, Mick Jagger and President Obama.

BB King opens his heart and tells the story of how an oppressed and orphaned young man came to influence and earn the unmitigated praise of the music industry and it’s following, to carry the title: ‘King of the Blues’.

Filmed on location all over America, as well as the United Kingdom, this picture brings to life the heat – and – gin soaked plantations where it all began. The BB King Museum in Mississippi provided full access to their archive including many unseen interviews from the people who the young Riley B king grew up with.

Prejudice and segregation has stained the lives of countless black persons, and BB ‘Riley’ King made sure that through his music, he never allowed it to mar his spirit .. this is the essence of the story that makes an astoundingly beautiful, informative and visually captivating film.